Value Added MF

Mutual Fund Portfolio is to generate Long Term Capital Appreciation for Investors with a bouquet of Mutual Funds identified on the basis of performance parameters.


Mutual Fund Sahi Hai! But Selection, Allocation and Review of MF is also very important. Equally important is allocation amongst different mutual fund schemes available. The objective of the advisory is to help clients for the selection of the schemes according to his/her financial goals and objectives of investment.


  • 5-8 Mutual Fund Schemes
  • Debt, Equity & Hybrid FOF
  • Multi Assets Investment
  • Customized Fund of Funds

Investment Objective

The key objective of Mutual Fund Portfolio is to generate long term capital appreciation for the investors from a bouquet of Performing Mutual Funds.

Portfolio Selection

Uniquest Mutual Fund Portfolios are designed considering the Consistency, pedigree, analysis of investment portfolio, standard deviation, Sharpe ratio and other analytical tools.


For further enquiry you can simply connect with us via call or email