Commodity and Currency Advisory

Commodity advisory products are designed with an objective of generating returns through multi-leg transactions in Exchange traded commodity derivatives Uniquest Financial Research and Analytics Pvt. Ltd is a Kunvarji Group Company and registered as an investment advisor with SEBI. Along with equity, Uniquest offers research and advisory services for Exchange traded commodities derivatives and currency derivatives. We offer uniform strategies for all types of market participants. The major role of the advisory is to offer the product with an effective balance of risk and reward.

The different types of strategies from Uniquest are:


  • Hedging Strategies for Importers and Exporters (With Exchange Traded Commodity & Currency Derivatives) Investment strategies for investors in commodities through execution of multi-leg transactions in Exchange Traded Commodity Derivatives.
  • Currency Derivative Spreads: The role of the advisor becomes crucial for the hedging and multi-leg strategies. According to the need and requirements of clients, we offer services with the best research practices.


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