Uniquest Investment Philosophy

Our Research Philosophy is weaved around “MMM” (Macro, Micro and Meso). We believe that selection of Investment Theme plays a crucial role for the advisory portfolio. The second most crucial part is to select companies having good quality businesses, strong management, comparative valuation and projections. The stock selection process starts with fundamental analysis of companies and includes management meeting and channel checks. The investment process is fairly rigorous and involves qualitative as well as quantitative analysis.

Balancing investment with effective Risk Management across Sectors

We aim to balance the investment with sectoral diversification and liquidity management in tandem with market valuations and outlook. We focus on the effective management of clients’ investment risks.


We balance the portfolio stocks with the nature of protectors, market performers and outperformers. Selection of Protector Stocks is aimed at balancing the risk at a time of adverse market move, while aim to select Market Performers for the move in tandem with benchmarks. The objective of selection of Outperformer Stocks is to generate alpha from the advisory portfolios.


We regularly keep an eagle’s eye on the portfolio stocks and market valuations, for the management of portfolio risks and it help us to generate better alpha from the investment. The processes of Uniquest always remain fully complied in tandem with the Best Industry Standards.